Frequently Asked Questions

Why the Seas, the Oceans and other water bodies?

  • They are the shared space of Europe and the world, creating a fluid environmental link between the EU and the world;
  • They regulate the climate by capturing heat and carbon (producing 50% of the planet’s oxygen);
    Coastal regions host 41% of the EU population, constituting the main natural space and frontier of urban systems;
  • They are an essential source of food (providing 16% of globally consumed protein);
  • They generate jobs and wealth throughout the blue economy (52% of tourist activities in Europe);
  • They welcome global solutions for carbon capture (marine grasslands, plankton, cetaceans) and offer great potential in renewable energies, sustainable transport, food and biomaterials, and biotechnologies;
  • They face strong threats regarding pollution (plastics) and ecosystem degradation in the face of climate change;
  • They represent a significant historical, cultural, and heritage legacy at risk with rising water levels and weather events;
  • They provide a space for future intervention where we can avoid the mistakes committed in the past;
  • They are the places where the effect of climate change is felt first.

How can citizens get involved with the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails project?

  • Bauhaus of the Seas Sails project organises regular events in the pilot site areas, allowing different pilot teams, such as those in Lisbon, Malmö, and Oeiras, to share their insights with local agents and institutions. If you are interested in participating in a specific pilot please send a message to the person whose name is in bold on our Consortium Partners page. Keep up to date with Bauhaus of the Seas Sails events by following our social media.
  • On a more official note, besides previously opened PhD and Post-doc positions at some of the project partner institutions, should you be interested in joining our research team, do get in touch with project co-PIs Nuno Nunes and Mariana Pestana, as positions may open in the near future.


What resources are available through the project for individuals or organisations interested in learning more about marine conservation and sustainability?

  • If you are new to the topic, or just curious about the story behind the project, we invite you to read our manifesto to learn more about the story behind this project.
  • Bauhaus of the Seas Sails is constantly working on new activities and content on the topic of the sea.  Our partners have written articles for UN Water Conferences published in Blue Papers journal that are available for reading here
  • We are also developing an exciting new tool that will bring an interactive, more-than-human discussion component to the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails demonstrator pilot projects and should be live by the end of 2023.