
As “ripples” demonstrate each “drop” pilot project’s innovative measures at scale, they contribute to creating an ecosystem grounded in a wide participatory process: a wave. For this reason, it is important to have dissemination at the local level to engage stakeholders but also to disseminate the replicability of their results to national public administrations, as well as EU-level institution representatives. Dissemination activities will therefore maximise Bauhaus of the Seas Sails intended impacts by engaging with specific target groups, across four main stakeholder constituencies:

Local Stakeholders (Municipal, Regional, National level)
By creating a participatory process that involves a wide range of local actors as part of the pilot actions and creating an ecosystem of partners who are involved with the drops, the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails network will support the development of local/regional clusters which can stimulate the New European Bauhaus locally. Dissemination activities include setting up multiple local workshops at each demonstration site throughout the projects’ duration or provide the local community with updates on the demonstration sites, as well as continuously try to engage new stakeholders. They also entail organising national-language webinars to increase the impact’s outreach on a national level or capacity building through study visits and both formal and informal meetings. By directly engaging with local stakeholders, the consortium will be able to create a process of sharing best practices among different actions and demonstration sites.

Cultural institutions, Research Institutes, Scientific Community (EU Level)
Aiming to disseminate findings on the co-design process and on the deployment of the different measures at pilot sites, dissemination activities across cultural, scientific and and research institutions include publishing in scientific journals and conferences, presenting at national and international conferences or setting up and participating in dedicated scientific working groups. They also entail organising public and exhibition programmes in associated cultural venues, such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Nieuwe Instituut or TBA21’s Ocean Space, as well as other venues and project partners, such as Ciência Viva and LUMA Foundation. Other activities encompass integrating findings and research agendas into future fellowship, residency and public programmes interweaving culture and science or promoting new art commissions.

Member-state policy-makers and regulators (National, EU level)
Aiming to gain support from national policy-makers for the project’s actions through governance, as well as fostering their replication in other environments and contexts, dissemination activities related to influencing legislation, regulation and policy include the establishment or strengthening of local stakeholder networks through the pilot sites. They also entail deepening interactions with policy-makers on a national-level, the design of policy recommendations based on the pilot’s cumulative experiences or the organisation of webinars aimed at how national governance can support the growth of pilot actions.

EU policy-makers and standardisation bodies (EU Level)
EU-level dissemination activities aim to communicate pilot results as to overcome barriers for the deployment of measures at pilot-scale, recommend and support the standardisation of procedures, but especially to foster and shape the New European Bauhaus community. These activities include the design of a set of policy recommendations for standardisation during consultations periods, as well as the drafting of policy-recommendation letters to key EU-level policy-makers. They also entail providing input through stakeholder networks, as well as organising dedicated, EU-level events for the dissemination of recommendations and how to overcome the regulatory barriers for implementing Bauhaus of the Seas Sails actions. The creation of synergies with other EU projects in which consortium members are involved (e.g. DesignScapes, MEMEX, CreaTures, S+T+ARTS 4 Water) will promote joint activity organisation and outreach expansion. Additional dissemination actions include op-ed articles, consortium member interviews and other kinds of journalistic coverage in EU level media.