Second quarterly meeting at TBA21 in Madrid


The second Bauhaus of the Seas Sails quarterly meeting held on 18-19 January in Madrid, was all about getting the pilots aligned and ready to begin the local activities in the upcoming weeks.

The first half of 2024 will be filled with various actions across all pilots related to demonstrator pilot launches, including Ocean Ambassador trainings, open calls for inviting artists and creative practitioners to work together with communities and, finally, kicking-off all pilots by the beginning of June.

Hosted by TBA21, the partners spent two days in Madrid, and had the opportunity to share the progress of the pilots, discuss potential challenges and present an initial planning of the pilot site launches, with some pilots starting as early as this February.

The group also visited Liquid Intelligence – a temporary group exhibition of the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum addressing the critical state of life in the Ocean, a theme very close to Bauhaus of the Seas Sails. A part of the meeting was also dedicated to a guided visit of Matadero Medialab, a community laboratory that acts as a meeting place for the production of open cultural projects.

The group visited Liquid Intelligence, a group exhibition on the critical situation of ocean life highlighting BA21’s focus on interdisciplinary research projects within the context of ecology, in which artistic practices play a key role.

Aligning the activities of each demonstrator pilot and preparing for the kick-off by June 2024.

Partners reflecting on the role of the Ocean Ambassador in each of the seven pilots.

The Bauhaus of the Seas Sails video series

During the two-day meeting, the team also took the opportunity of meeting in person and continued to film new episodes of the upcoming video series focused on drops.

Together with the video team of Canal180, three video conversations were filmed between six consortium members, in the different spaces of the TBA21.

First we spoke to researchers Luisa Metelo Seixas and Valentina Nisi of the Istituto Superior Tecnico from Lisbon on Inclusive Digital Storytelling drop.

The design research space and a knowledge-sharing programme Blue Markerspace was discussed between Mariana Pestana, Istituto Superior Tecnico and Markus Reymann, TBA-21 Academy.

Frederico Duarte, Istituto Superior Tecnico and Katinka Versendaal, Deichtorhallen recorded the third video conversation on the Regenerative Menu, on the top terrace of the Thyssen Bornemisza museum.

The video series is planned to launch this spring, keep an eye on our website and social media for the first episodes.

Filming the Bauhaus of the Seas Sails video series: Luisa Metelo Seixas and Valentina Nisi discuss the Inclusive Digital Storytelling drop, an AI geolocalized digital storytelling platform  promoting social inclusion and cultural participation.